Make A Plan to Achieve Your Goals It’s a new year. It’s time to set some goals, right? Well, I have some thoughts on the matter of goals. Goals are great. They are supposed to help us reach higher than we might have otherwise. They should motivate us to improve. They are designed to inspire[...]
Competing for the consumer’s limited luxury dollars is a tough business. When a person decides to splurge on themselves for any kind of service, they want to know that their money will be well spent. The salon who gets the most business is the one who has the best reputation in the market. Learn how[...]
We all know that a referral, or word of mouth advertising, is the best way to generate new business. The prospect comes to you, no matter what type of business you’re in, pre-sold. They are really just ready to make selections about the products and services you offer. Why? Because they feel as if they[...]
The Meoli Companies, headquartered in Delaware, turned to ProMarketing Matters to give their website some WordPress love. The company owns and operates fourteen McDonald’s restaurants on the Delmarva. We developed a mobile responsive website to replace their old site which had become outdated. The new site includes several custom features which showcases The Meoli Company’s strengths[...]
It doesn’t matter if it’s Skype or a Google Hangout…you want to make sure you look good with the right lighting, placement, sound, backdrop and quality. Here’s a great infographic to help you prepare for your next video chat.